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More or Less Multiplication

More or Less Multiplication

South Elementary School fourth graders in Ms. Oshinski’s class were introduced to a new and fun way of solving multiplication problems. 

Ms. Oshinski taught them how to play the math game “more or less multiplication” to help support math fact fluency. 

Partners first rolled a die to determine whether they were playing for “more or less.”  

They then rolled three dice and multiplied the three numbers.  

Once the product was determined, the player had the option of rolling a die and either multiplying or dividing the product by that number (what they were playing for). 

The lower total won if the partners rolled "less" at the start of the round while the higher total won if they rolled "more" at the start of the round.  

Ms. Oshinski said the students had so much fun playing three rounds against each other while strengthening their math skills in the process! 


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