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South Elementary School kindergarteners in Ms. Rebecca Panitch's music class begin their day singing and tapping to the beat of the song "Steady Beat."
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South Elementary School first graders in Ms. Atkinson's class took a trip to Antartica to learn about penguins during one of their math lessons!
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South Elementary School fourth graders have been having a lot of fun learning about basketball in Mr. O'Donnell's PE class.
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South Elementary School fourth graders in Ms. Oshinski’s class were introduced to a new and fun way of solving multiplication problems.
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South Elementary School recently celebrated Veterans Day with an assembly with American Legion Post 525.
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South Elementary School students practiced their soccer skills in Mr. O'Donnell's PE class recently.
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Mr. Jimmy Brooks from the Des Plaines Fire Department visited South Elementary School with his team of firefighters and paramedics this past week.
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South Elementary School students in Ms. Winget's kindergarten class practiced phonics and reading in small groups this week.
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South Elementary School fourth graders in Mr. Smith's art class learned how to create a landscape drawing this week.
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Students in Ms. Naomi Atkinson's 1st grade class at South Elementary School participated in a fun and engaging phonics lesson this week.
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South Elementary School students were treated to a Chicago Bears Mini Monsters Clinic on Wednesday, April 24.
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Fifth grade students at South Elementary School enjoy presenting the "South School Scoop" every Friday as part of the School Media Communications Club.
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Ms. Samantha Heindl-Porter runs a Content Creator Club for 4th and 5th grade students that meets on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:20am-9:00am.
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About 25 of South Elementary School's third, fourth and fifth grader's week have a blast participating in Karaoke Club during their recess every week.
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Whether in gym class or music class, students at South Elementary School always enjoy learning something new.
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Students in Ms. Heindl-Porter and Ms. Oshinski's classrooms worked hard on their lessons at South School this week.
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Students in Ms. Atkinson's first grade classroom had fun making different sounds with rulers this week.
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Students in Ms. Abrams music class are learning a new song for their winter concert in February.
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Second and third graders at South Elementary School said thank you to veterans in a musical performance this week.
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Fourth graders at South learned all about the different parts of the brain last week.
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South students enjoyed spending time in the school library this week.
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This week Mr. Smith's art class started working on drawings.
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Students in Ms. Abram's music class had the chance to learn how to play recorders this week.
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2nd grade students were excited this week to utilize beanbags in a variety of PE games and activities.
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South welcomed back it's 1st-5th grade students this week as well as their new Kindergarten students.
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Students had a great time participating in multiple Field Day activities outside.
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Teachers performed and acted out stories that were written by their students.
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Students learn how to dance in collaboration with the Chicago based company, May I Have This Dance.
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By the direction of music teacher Mrs. Abrams students performed in a concert that went to the moon and back.
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