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Photo of a teacher dressed up in a tomato outfit kneeling on stage

What's Happening at south!

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Latest News

Kindergarteners Dance to Their Own Beat

South Elementary School kindergarteners in Ms. Rebecca Panitch's music class begin their day singing and tapping to the beat of the song "Steady Beat."

  • South
First Graders Travel to Antartica!

South Elementary School first graders in Ms. Atkinson's class took a trip to Antartica to learn about penguins during one of their math lessons!

  • South
Dribble! Pass! Shoot!

South Elementary School fourth graders have been having a lot of fun learning about basketball in Mr. O'Donnell's PE class.

  • South
More or Less Multiplication

South Elementary School fourth graders in Ms. Oshinski’s class were introduced to a new and fun way of solving multiplication problems. 

  • South
Learning About Fire Safety at South

Mr. Jimmy Brooks from the Des Plaines Fire Department visited South Elementary School with his team of firefighters and paramedics this past week.  

  • South
Phonics Fun in Kindergarten

South Elementary School students in Ms. Winget's kindergarten class practiced phonics and reading in small groups this week.

  • South
A Lesson in Landscapes

South Elementary School fourth graders in Mr. Smith's art class learned how to create a landscape drawing this week.

  • South
First Grade Phonics Lesson

Students in Ms. Naomi Atkinson's 1st grade class at South Elementary School participated in a fun and engaging phonics lesson this week.

  • South
Mini Monsters Clinic

South Elementary School students were treated to a Chicago Bears Mini Monsters Clinic on Wednesday, April 24. 


  • South
South School Scoop

Fifth grade students at South Elementary School enjoy presenting the "South School Scoop" every Friday as part of the School Media Communications Club.

  • South
Content Creator Club

Ms. Samantha Heindl-Porter runs a Content Creator Club for 4th and 5th grade students that meets on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:20am-9:00am. 

  • South
Creating Camaraderie in Karaoke Club

About 25 of South Elementary School's third, fourth and fifth grader's week have a blast participating in Karaoke Club during their recess every week.

  • South
Fun with Rulers and Sounds

Students in Ms. Atkinson's first grade classroom had fun making different sounds with rulers this week.

  • South
Thank You to Our Veterans!

Second and third graders at South Elementary School said thank you to veterans in a musical performance this week. 

  • South
Brain Building with Clay

Fourth graders at South learned all about the different parts of the brain last week. 

  • South
Fun in the LMC!

South students enjoyed spending time in the school library this week.

  • South
Student Excitement in PE Class!

2nd grade students were excited this week to utilize beanbags in a variety of PE games and activities.

  • South
Welcome Back South Students!

South welcomed back it's 1st-5th grade students this week as well as their new Kindergarten students.

  • South
Photo of a student running under a giant parachute.

Students had a great time participating in multiple Field Day activities outside.

  • South
Lights, Camera, Action!

Teachers performed and acted out stories that were written by their students.

  • South
February Concert

By the direction of music teacher Mrs. Abrams students performed in a concert that went to the moon and back.

  • South