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School Improvement Plan

Photo of a group of students holding a parachute outside


A School Improvement Plan (SIP) or School Development Plan (SDP) is a central document used by Senior Leadership teams to map out their strategic plans for the development of their school.

Student learning in literacy

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

ALL Students

• In 2024… 42% of students met or exceeded on IAR.

• In 2025… 54% of students will meet or exceed on IAR.

English Learners

• In 2024… 13% of EL students met exit criteria as measured on ACCESS.

• In 2025… 20% of EL students will meet exit criteria as measured on ACCESS.

Students with IEPs

• In 2024… 14% of students met or exceeded on IAR.

• In 2025… 25% of students will meet or exceed on IAR.

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person
Teams will utilize flexible grouping during WIN time based upon student’s performance towards mastering essential standards. Discussed Weekly in Team Meetings

Team Leaders

All students (except those on Imagine Learning per second language guidelines) will utilize iReady Reading for 45 to 60 minutes per week during the school day. Teams will use this data to make instructional decisions for students. SIP team will review winter benchmark data to determine if students are on track for meeting IAR and adjust actions steps if needed.

August to December

January to May

Team Leaders

Grade level teams will utilize co-planning with their EL teachers to ensure 

  • Appropriate scaffolds are in place to support students with mastering essential standards

  • A focus on vocabulary development

  • Opportunities for all students to work independently throughout the week.

Weekly in Team Meetings

Team Leaders with CLI



Student learning in math

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

ALL Students

• In 2024… 36% of students met/exceeded on IAR.

• In 2025… 50% of students will meet/exceed on IAR.

English Learners

• In 2024… 11% of students met/exceeded on IAR.

• In 2025… 25% of students will meet/exceed on IAR.

Students with IEPs

• In 2024… 11% of students met/exceed on IAR. 

• In 2025… 25% of students will meet/exceed on IAR.

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person
Teams will utilize flexible grouping during WIN time based upon student’s performance towards mastering essential standards.

After each common assessment

Team Leaders

All students will utilize iReady Math for 45 to 60 minutes per week during the school day. Teams will use this data to make instructional decisions for students. SIP team will review winter benchmark data to determine if students are on track for meeting IAR and adjust actions steps if needed.

August to December

January to May

Team Leaders

Grade level teams will utilize co-planning with their EL teachers to ensure:

  • Appropriate scaffolds are in place to support students to mastering essential standards

  • A focus on vocabulary development and student conversations

  • Opportunities for all students to work independently throughout the week.

Discussed Weekly in Team Meeting

Team Leaders



Student social emotional well-being

SMART Goal Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

Current Data as of August 2024

• 0% (0/15) of TFI components are fully implemented specific features of Tier 1 TFI

SMART Goal for May 2025

• 27% (4/15) of TFI components will be fully implemented specific features of Tier 1 TFI

Specific Action Step Timeline & Setting Point Person
Team leaders will review discipline data and use this data for decision-making at least monthly. If data indicate
an academic or behavior problem, an action plan is developed to enhance or modify Tier I supports (1.12).

Monthly at Team Leader Meetings

Team Leaders

Team will create a school wide matrix with expectations for common areas and teachers will create a classroom matrix for their classroom (1.3, 1.5, 1.8).

Team Leader and Building Meeting

Team Leaders
Create a systematic approach to redirecting behavior and support staff with utilizing this approach (1.6) Team Leader and Building Meeting Team Leaders



data analysis schoolwide needs assessment

Student Group Current Learning Data as of August 2024 SMART Goal for May 2025


42% of students met or exceeded on IAR ELA 54% of students will meet or exceed on IAR ELA

36% of students met/exceeded on IAR Math.

50% of students will meet/exceed on IAR Math.

EL 13% of EL students met exit criteria as measured on ACCESS. 20% of EL students will meet exit criteria as measured on ACCESS.

11% of students met/exceeded on IAR Math.

11% of students met/exceeded on IAR Math.

14% of students met or exceeded on IAR Math.

25% of students will meet or exceed on IAR Math.
IEP 11% of students met/exceeded on IAR Math. 25% of students will meet or exceed on IAR Math.



The team

Team Member Name Role

Andrea Winget

Kindergarten Team Leader/ K-2 Facilitator

Naomi Atkinson

First Grade Team Leader

Sonia Sanghrajka

Second Grade Team Leader

Emily Curylo

Third Grade Team Leader

Jennifer Oshinski

Fourth Grade Team Leader

Rhonda Yost

Fifth Grade Team Leader / 3-5 Facilitator

Azalia Flores

EL Team Leader

Michael O’Donnell

Specials Team Leader

Lauren Hodes

EL Facilitators

Kristin Jares
